Annual Christmas Tree Festival raises a fantastic £23,000 for St Paul's church and Bedford Hospital Charity & Friends
The Magic of Christmas, Bedford's annual Tree Festival at St Paul's, raised a further £23,000 for Bedford Hospital Charity & Friends and St Paul's
Church in December. The latest fund-raising efforts bring the total raised to an amazing £250,000 since the festival began 25 years ago.
The money is raised in a number of ways, including sponsorship from local businesses, the traditional Friday evening concert and the raffle.
The daily choirs and performers help to bring in the thousands of visitors which last year totalled around 7,500.
The funds raised are always divided equally between the two charities. Those for St Paul's go towards its work of keeping the church open for
worship and welcome and for its support of the vulnerable in Bedford. The Hospital Charity's efforts will go towards refurbishing two dedicated
cancer care rooms on the children's Riverbank Ward, enabling patients to receive specialist local treatment.
Margaret Oakley, Festival Chair said:
"We are utterly delighted at the continued success of this community event which brings in so many visitors to support such an important fundraiser.
Many of the tree decorators, whether schools, charities or local community groups take such pride in creating the thematic decorations. The 2024
People's Trophy for best adult tree was again awarded to Lemon & Ginger while the junior award was given to Scott Primary School".
This year marks the Silver Jubilee since the first Christmas Tree Festival at St Paul's. To celebrate this landmark year, the theme for 2025 is to be
'Christmas Past, Present & Future' and will again run for five days 3-7 December.
Something for everyone at St Paul's this Christmas!
There is something for everyone in the coming Advent and Christmas season at St Paul's.
It all starts this weekend on Advent Sunday (December 1st) when Christians everywhere look forward to the coming of the baby Jesus as an infant in
Bethlehem. The Advent Carol Service is at 5.30pm and is a beautiful and evocative service by candlelight which marks the start of the Advent season.
The family Christingle Service is on Saturday December 7th at 4.00pm, to the backdrop of 70 decorated Christmas trees as the ever popular Christmas
Tree Festival will be in full swing. Christingles will be given out (a small candle placed in an orange) as a symbol which represents the coming of
Christ as the Light of the World.
Come and Sing! is our service of Nine Lessons and Carols. Escape from the Christmas shopping and join us at 4.00pm on Saturday December 21st for
this uplifting, seasonal favourite.
On Christmas Eve, families are invited to the Crib Service which is at 4.00pm in the afternoon, for the traditional telling of the Nativity story
as we enter into the start of the true Christmas season.
Midnight Mass is at 11.00pm on Christmas Eve, conducted by candle light and with incense, Eucharist, favourite carols and a Christmas address -
for many it is a service not to be missed.
Finally the Christmas morning service takes place at the usual time of 10:15am, an All Age Festival Eucharist to celebrate the birth of Jesus
and the coming Christmas season.
Annual Christmas Tree Festival promises A touch of Magic!
St Paul's Church in the heart of Bedford will be resplendent again in early December when 70 trees will be decorated by local schools, business and
community groups to the theme, 'The Magic of Christmas'.
The Bedford Christmas Tree Festival runs this year from December 4th-8th and is jointly organised by the Bedford Hospital Charity and St
Paul's church. The festival has become an anticipated and much-loved event by the local community and marks the start of the run up to Christmas for
many. Entry is £3 and free for children under 16. (Tickets available on the door).
In addition to the tree displays, there is a competition for children, the opportunity to vote on your favourite tree, a raffle and cafe serving light
refreshments throughout the event.
The traditional Friday night concert (Friday December 6th) will be performed by the Amici Music Woodwind Ensemble, to the backdrop of tree lights glowing
inside the Grade I listed interior. The programme will include pieces by Handel and Mozart as well as seasonal favourites.
Tickets (£20) can be purchased online
, by phone 01234 783181 or by email
If you fancy a glass of fizz and a private viewing of the trees, why not buy a ticket for Fizz at the Festival? Tickets at £10 can be purchased by phone
01234 340163 (10 - 4pm Monday to Friday) or by emailing fizzatthefestival@stpaulschurchbedford.org.uk.
If you are interested in volunteering at the event, please email treefestival@stpaulschurchbedford.org.uk.
The annual tree festival receives support from a number if sponsors, including Jayne Beard Associates which is kindly sponsoring the festival again in memory
of Jayne Beard, a former Chair of the Bedford Hospital Charity. Last year saw a record £24,000 raised over the five days, shared between the Bedford Hospital's
children's cancer services appeal and the running of St Paul's and its outreach within the community.
For news and updates please follow the event Facebook page, facebook.com/bedfordchristmastreefestival or the
church Facebook page, facebook.com/stpaulschurchbedford.
The Bulletin
The September
Bulletin contains key diary dates and service information. |